Dean Andrea
About Dean Andrea

Hi, I'm Dean Andrea...
I have been studying various aspects of metaphysics for over 50 years. My life journey has led me through many forms of meditation and healing techniques. Over the years I has come to know myself in a very deep way, and helped countless others discover more who they really are! While I have never “advertised” my services, to date I have performed about 4,000 healings/readings for people. Currently, while I may do individual readings, I am guided to do live, in-person workshops. Workshops allow for personal interaction along with the group energy which accelerates healing and growth. It also allows me to reach more people in a shorter amount of time. My intuition, healing techniques, and perception is somewhat out of the “normal paradigm”. This allows for, in my opinion, openings for people that greatly accelerate healing and growth. I should note that what I refer to as “healing” is really all about finding your true Self. Finding one’s true self is the way to achieve happiness and abundance (both financial and health).
I have just published my first book, an autobiography chronicling my life journey, entitled A Bridge to the Soul: A Metaphysical Journey. After suffering an abusive childhood I have finally found the deep peace and freedom I hoped for as a young child. The book is a detailed account of how I used a metaphysical approach to heal and find enlightenment. While my journey has been very unique, I believe it has a LOT of relevance for those who want to grow spiritually and personally. The book details my life quest, which has been very interesting! If you go to Smashwords.com or various other retailers one can download the first 20% of the E- book for free. I would like to add that the book gets very interesting in the later parts. There is much valuable information contained in my book and I believe it is an easy read which is very entertaining! The book also gives the reader useful tips on healing and finding that peace that most of us long for.
As a little more specific background(detailed in the book), I have studied many different different spiritual disciplines including, but not limited to, Kriya Yoga, most of the major Eastern philosophical works, the Urantia Book, works and talks by Murdo MacDonald Bayne, Joel Goldsmith, Stephan Jourdaine, Jean Klein, Ruby Nelson, Kabbalah, Christian Mysticism, and Sufism( I was made a Sufi Master Teacher by the Imam of the Dome of the Rock, in Jerusalem, Sidi Mohammed al Jamal). During all of this study I spent countless hours meditating and honing my healing skills. I also have done a lot of past life work, different types of energy and spiritual healing work, and working with subtle energy, particularly sound and rays. I have been a very good manifester in this life, being an accomplished businessman and athlete. I retired at age 49 to devote myself to my home, interests, and spiritual development. I believe all of this helps me to help others in unique ways.
As a healer and teacher I have remained fairly hidden and aloof, by my choice, but now feel compelled to share some of what I have spent my lifetime learning. I am not very active on social media and do not intend to change this habit very much. I am open to do workshops for what I anticipate will be a fairly short period of time. I anticipate this will only last a couple of years. If you feel compelled to find answers as to your life purpose, and specifically to find more peace, abundance and freedom, then maybe we can work together! Feel free to ask questions as I am here to help. Thanks for your interest in delving into your true nature through my work!
For the present time, the best way to contact me is to use the contact page on this site. While I may not respond immediately I anticipate it will take me no more than 1 week to personally respond to serious questions/comments. Please let me know what you would like me to feature in a workshop. Also, please let me know how you found this site. I would very much like to see what medium got you here! I hope to add more content to this site frequently. However, this site is in no way comparable to what you could get via a live workshop with personal interaction! I welcome feedback, either on this website or my book!
I have a signed/personalized print version of my book available. If you are interested in a signed copy you can contact me via the contact page on this website. The price is $11.99. It is also available on Amazon and other retailers. I have to charge for shipping as there is almost no mark-up in the book. The shipping price is $2.00 in the U.S. and (sorry) $15.00 to the UK(my cost).
Check out my Spotify playlist which contains some of the music I listen to and referred to in my book. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/31p4nzYZxiawvElC6ilsfs?si=c2a0c9c128dc4947&pt=def5c50fbca6fba787738cbf42af2406
Please let me know if you would like to see a Facebook page. I am not much for Facebook, however if enough want it I will do one!
My interests include family, meditation, energy healing, being outdoors, gardening, horses, playing the harp and didgeradoo, golf, photography, astronomy, hiking, writing, cooking, chainsaw art, and many different forms of art that stimulate my imagination.

Dean Andrea