Dean Andrea
My Philosophy

Contemplation can lead to great awareness. See, and more importantly feel what is behind all of your perceptions. Thus you will truly be in the present. Feeling is the key!
I mention Morphic Fields in my book. When one becomes more aware of the subtle one may find they can see or intuit these fields. Very simply put Morphic Fields are mass consciousness thoughtforms which influence people to do, act, or behave in certain ways that may not be in their highest good. People that tend to follow trends or do things that they later regret oftentimes have been sucked into these actions/behaviors as a result of the strong pull of these fields. However, every action one takes is ultimately their personal decision.
Approximately two decades ago I was shown a vision while I was in deep meditation. I will try and convey as best I can what I learned:
One thinks they know reality. At this point in my life(age 40) I had reached a point where I thought I was free from fear and fairly secure. I had spent the previous 30 years of my life trying to heal and know my inner nature. I had made much progress towards this goal.
I was taken to a large field where I saw a beautiful scene. It was an endless vista of wildflowers and hills. People were milling about and there were many beings of light alongside them. The sky was a bright blue with fluffy cumulous clouds scattered about.
A being of light appeared before me and beckoned for me to follow him. I did with no hesitation. Actually I was eager to see where he wanted to take me. We moved a long distance, seemingly with no effort, over a large hill. Far in the distance was a very high mountain. It was so tall that its summit was not visible as it was shrouded in clouds. We travelled over the beautiful terrain to the mountain. The being told me, “So you think you have a good idea of what being is all about?”. I replied rather confidently, “Yes, I think so. I have put my whole heart and soul into delving into the great mystery!”
The being took my hand and led me up the mountain path. We had travelled a long way but we were not even a third of the way up to the cloud deck. He told me to look down at where we had been. “Look over the terrain you have crossed. It is a great distance, is it not?” As I looked I saw the beauty I had seen when I first entered this world, yet now, somehow it was different. I saw much more detail. The colors of the flowers were more vivid and the hills had an iridescent glow to them. The vantage point of being higher in elevation made me see things that I couldn’t see before. I had a more complete picture and even a more complete knowledge of creation.
My guide proceeded to lead me higher up the mountain. We reached approximately half way to the cloud deck. He again instructed me to look down to the valley below. Again, I saw details that I hadn’t seen before. I saw the interconnectedness of the valleys, hills, sky and vegetation. Also I could see much farther. My guide said, “Could you have seen these things from the valley floor?” I replied, “No way!”
We proceeded on our journey up the mountain. As I looked ahead I saw that we were headed straight for the clouds that obscured the top of the mountain. We glided through this fog, and now in sunlight again, we continued our ascent. My guide told me to look down to where we had been. I saw and felt that we were now on an entirely new level of beingness. I could see a scene very similar to what I had seen from lower on the mountain. However, now, instead of valleys of wildflowers and hills, I saw undulating valleys of clouds just as beautiful as the earth had been. There were also many beings of light on the clouds. They were somehow different. They were finer and brighter in luminescence. As I looked forward up the mountain I saw that there was no end to it. It was an infinite progression of light and color. My guide said ”Yes, there is no end to it all. No mortal being has ever been to the end. Not even we angels have been there. That can only be comprehended by the One. It is Infinite, however the higher one moves the more one understands. There is no end to that either!” I now understood that the finite mind, which is constantly trying to understand, can never comprehend the Infinite. Also, the higher one moves in consciousness the more one does indeed understand. What was one’s truth can and will be supplanted by a newer more accurate one! This is a law of the Universe and explains why Truth can never be fully understood.
Keep moving forward! Good Luck.
The best way to help/heal the world is to start with yourself. If you heal yourself you will do more to heal the world than if you were to dedicate your life to healing the world.
It is a loss to not be close to someone that you could have been close to.
One important point that I would like to share for those of you who are more experienced with accessing their intuition or feelings is the following:
The best way to gain greater insights is by learning to contact your higher Self. Some call it Oversoul, or Inner Knowing. The name doesn’t matter. What is important is to not rely on “guides” but trust your own “God Self”. Now there are beings or group conciousness entities that can give you some direction, but for the most part, I believe many of these can really bog you down. As I state in the book, I don’t “channel” guides, but rather my higher Self. I can talk a lot about this but I will save it for a later time.
I mention “writing from the soul” in my book. This is a good exercise to practice in order to connect with that “undying” part of you.
When one becomes more aware, one starts to observe one’s feelings in every moment. Every time one recognizes these feelings as either wanting love, wanting control, or wanting safety, and then releases these wants with simple intent, one starts to reaffirm one’s Eternal Self. One then starts to realize that their wanting, lack, and limitations that they perceive are only reflections of their illusory self. This is the beginning of complete freedom.
My Take on the Ascension Process
The following is my interpretation/insights on what many spiritual teachers are proclaiming. I am sure this will not be popular with many seekers or teachers of higher consciousness! While I do believe the earth and its inhabitants are experiencing an energetic shift, I do NOT believe in what most are saying.
It is not correct to assume that you will be carried away on this Ascension wave. People say we are moving into the fifth dimension and all you need to do is wait it out and you will be able to manifest instantly, have peace, love etc. Others say they can “initiate” you to help with this ascension process (for a price). They appeal to people who feel dissatisfied in their lives and want to have hope of achieving what they want.
As I state in my book, I have from a very young age, believe that one can "ascend" into another dimension/state of being by becoming free of the belief that they are a limited (ego) being. This is a rare occurrence and takes work, NOT simply a change of vibration which will sweep you into it. This is a rather complex subject which is beyond understanding by the ego/mind.
If you want to achieve true, continuous peace, which I believe is an extremely high state whereby one is truly satisfied, than it takes work to accomplish this.
All of the teachers who say that they can initiate you into this, that or the other neglect to mention that if they can do it, you can too! If they say they will initiate you into abundance for example, you can do the “old fashioned” work of praying, meditating, and connecting with your own Oversoul, which has access to all knowledge, and is your own personal “channel/link” to the Divine! Your “Higher Self” knows better than any “channeled” being exactly what you need to fulfill your life contract. When one follows what one chose to experience in this present physical lifetime, one is on track to peace, love, and abundance. One can, and most of the time, DOES change one's life contract(s) when one learns to quiet the mind and become aware of the present moment. When you do this you start to become freer and freer, and you start to experience profound love that transcends words or descriptions.
As I mention in my book, I still regularly seek the advice of others. I do this to make sure I am not missing the forest for the trees. Conversing with others often helps me to see other paradigms that I may not see because of my human conditioning. Mostly, however I find that I am on track from following my own inner guidance. Others who have tread this path before can definitely help on your journey!
So, I say, try things if they seem appealing but remain skeptical. If you do not find yourself after following this, that, or the other, then you need to take stock and ask your Higher Self for guidance. One must know oneself fully to reach a state of peace!
I have often been asked "what is the purpose of life". I say that we are here to experience the dense dimension of Earth. Imagine that in the finer dimensions you have no limitations or questions. There are no worries or constant nagging of the mind. There is no fear of death etc. You get bored, or simply want to experience something different. Also, you want to experience both sides of the 180-degree continuum that I talk of in my book. Think of why many play video games., particularly role-playing games. In a role-playing game you start out with a particular number of points. Let's say you have 20 points, and you can select the character's sex, occupation, etc. So, you think it might be nice to choose being a male, a wizard, and you use your 20 points to pick extra wizard abilities like translocation, magic etc. You also allocate some points to physical strength, and to intelligence. This is a fun experience. You can experience challenges and limitations. When you die in this particular game you want to play again. You want to continue to experience all that the game and your particular character can experience. This may be a crude analogy, however to me, it illustrates why we come down to the earth plane and keep coming back.

Dean Andrea